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Alternative Fuels

Institution Name:
Exeter University
Research Area:
Clean Maritime


Alternative Fuel Powertrains, system integration into vessels new and retrofit. Optimisation for fuel efficiency, total cost of ownership, dimensions and weight. Powertrain design optimised for Total Cost of Ownership, battery only, hydrogen fuel cell, methanol combusion/fuel cell, ammonia combustion/fuel cell. Demonstration vessels, workboats, ribs. Control Strategies for maximum efficiency. Remote monitoring of maritime powertrains for fleet optimisation and decision support. Alternative Fuel Infrastucture for Ports & Harbours

Projects funded from Innovate UK/ UK Shore, EPSRC, DSIT, OZEV, Direct resesarch from indsutry.                                                                                                              
List Of Facilities:
Powertrain Dynamometer, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Laboratory, Battery Pack assembly & Testing. Alternative fuel vessel test area