Newsletter Christmas 2023

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MarRI-UK Newsletter December 2023

Foreword from Simon Reid, Director of MarRI-UK

As 2023 draws to a close and we look ahead to 2024, this newsletter is a timely opportunity for reflection on MarRI-UK’s recent achievements and our preparations for an exciting year ahead. I am incredibly proud to share what MarRI-UK has achieved over the last quarter – we have completed our strategy refresh which better positions us to meet our goal of increasing the global position of the UK maritime sector; following a very successful collaborative effort, which is at the heart of what MarRI-UK is about, we published a report with our partners at the National Shipbuilding Office on the UK’s capacity and capability for shipbuilding; we have developed plans to engage with Horizon Europe to maximise the UK’s benefit from this programme and as part of our engagement strategy we have launched new media channels and a new website as a hub for information and resources. Please do head to our new website and take a look at our news and publications Maritime Research and innovation UK (

Since taking on the Director role over 6 months ago, I have continued to be impressed and humbled by our passionate and dedicated MarRI-UK community and the wider sector. It has been a privilege to be at the forefront of exploiting new and emerging technologies and de-carbonising our maritime sector. I send you all the warmest of wishes for the festive break and the new year. Whilst so many of us look forward to precious time with our family and friends, I’m sure you will join me in remembering and appreciating those that are at sea, far from home.  These incredible seafarers, our often invisible but very hardworking colleagues, keep our country running.

At land or sea, I wish you a peaceful end to the year and I look forward to connecting with renewed energy and focus in 2024.

MarRI-UK and NSO Report Launch

MarRI-UK and the National Shipbuilding Office are proud to announce that on Wednesday the 13th of December we published our new report “Shipbuilding Academic Capacity and Capability Study!

The purpose of this report is to provide an insight into the UK’s current research capabilities, understand what other nations are doing and provide a series of recommendations to industry and government for enhanced competitiveness.

This report aligns world leading maritime innovation and research conducted by the UK’s academic sector with the 2022 Refreshed National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSbS). By linking the UK’s current academic research strengths and future research opportunities with the Shipbuilding Strategy, the report aims to drive understanding in Industry and Academia of the latest technological and environmental innovations, and to propel UK industry to the forefront of the global shipbuilding sector by 2030.

The MarRI-UK Micro-Company Membership Access Scheme

MarRI-UK is excited to annouce the launch of our new membership scheme that will allow three micro companies active in research and innovation in the maritime sector to join us for two years on an “in-kind” contribution basis.

This will allow the successful applicants to get the full benefit of MarRI-UK membership during those two years, including access to all MarRI-UK events and participation in our members research programme. This will be an invaluable opportunity for any ambitious maritime micro-company and so please feel free to share information about this scheme to your networks so that we can spread awareness of the scheme far and wide.

To find out more, including how to apply for the scheme and the full list of MarRI-UK Membership Benefits, click here.

Waterborne Horizon Europe Funding Opportunities

On the 7th September 2023, the Prime Minister announced a new UK-EU agreement on the UK’s association to Horizon Europe and Copernicus. As a result, UK applicants are eligible to apply to Horizon Europe calls, now and in the future. The UK government Horizon Europe guarantee has been extended to cover all remaining Horizon Europe grant calls that are funded under work programme 2023 irrespective of the call closing or grant signature date.We are looking to work with our members, academic and industry, to join start up consortiums that are looking for the ideas and expertise that our members can offer in great quantity to be able to provide valuable input in to a winning proposal.
If you would like to be part of a Waterborne Horizon Europe Funding Opportunities please do not hesitate to contact us.

New Website

MarRI-UK is excited to reveal our new and refreshed website. Please have a perusal of the site, we believe it is a much more user friendly and intuiative experience that shall develop into a vital resource for anyone interested in maritime research. If you have any thoughts or comments on the new website please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference

MarRI-UK is the lead sponser of the Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference at the University of Southampton, from the 16th to 17th of April 2024. This will be an excellent two days showcasing the groundbreaking martitime research being undertaken by our member universities.

If you or your organisation are interested in getting involved or considering sponsoring the conference, please get in touch at

British Ports Association Conference 2023

In October, MarRI-UK attended the British Ports Association Conference 2023 in London over two days of the 18th and 19th of October. It was a great experience to speak to so many people from across the sector passionate about ports and the role they can provide in boosting innovation. Some of the highlights from the conference included the buzz around short sea shipping, the increasing importance placed on Green Corridors and the announcement that the UK Government is going to produce a national policy for ports.

To read more about our experience at the BPA Conference click here.

Shipping Weekly Briefing Sign Up

Members News

MarRI-UK is not just an organisation, but a network of many different industrial organisations, universities and not-for-profit institutions. Here are a few highlights from our members over the last three months.

Ecomar Propulsion Ltd demonstrate feasibility of zero emission offshore survey vessels

Ecomar Propulsion unveiled ground-breaking results of a research and development project which proves the technical and economic feasibility of achieving zero emission operations in offshore survey and research vessels (OSRVs).

The project which started in January 2023 involved eight partners and investigated innovative ship designs and integration with energy efficient hybrid drive train systems to increase overall ship efficiency resulting in significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating the transition to zero emission fuels. The results were presented at The Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition final showcase on 16 September at the Department for Transport’s Clean Maritime Day at London International Shipping Week.

Upcoming Events From Across the Sector

MarRI-UK Resources

Project Final Reports – Final Reports providing in-depth results relating to many of MarRI-UK’s projects can be found on MarRI-UK’s website. If you want to get in contact with any of our project teams, please get in contact as we are always happy to begin new collaborations.To access the final reports click here.

Merry Christmas from MarRI-UK

MarRI-UK wishes all our members and supporters a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will be closed from the 23rd of December until the 8th of January, but we look forward to working with you all in the New Year.




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